Capacity building is key for implementation of sustainable practices at the farmer’s fields to make an impact. NSL Sugar undertakes the capacity building program for sugarcane growers as well as extension staff. The training is being carried out by subject experts in the local vernacular. Extension worker and farmer training are trained for sustainable sugarcane agronomy package of practices focused on integrated nutrient management, water management and cost saving.
The program is identifying lead farmers from the factory command area and train them (as trainers) for training of other sugarcane farmers in the community. These lead farmers will be progressive farmers, who can influence other farmers in their communities to adopt recommended sustainable package of practices. These lead farmers would support the company extension workers in farmer outreach and training efforts. For better understanding, the practical implication of the new improved cultivation practices In-house training is always being followed by field demonstration. The demonstrations are generally conducted in farmer’s field. To support & encourage farmers, company has published technical information in the form of booklet in local language & made available at each factory.